TVLL BOARD Committee Member:
Examples of a Committee Member: someone directly involved in one of our 5-7 committees. We have the following committees: Opening Day Ceremonies, Field Maintenance, Finance, Fundraising, League Operations, Volunteer, etc.(insert other committees here, I’m drawing a blank).
- Time commitment: Medium (One monthly 2 hour meeting). Expect to also spend a few hours each month doing necessary activities that your committee may be involved in. Some committees will have more work than others.
- Schedule Commitment: Mostly needed during the regular season. Some will be needed in off-season depending on the committee.
- Number of Volunteers needed for this category: 3-5 people per committee. We will have 5-8 committees.
Non-Voting Board Member:
Examples of a non-voting board member: someone who attends our monthly, year-round board meetings.
- Time commitment: Medium (One monthly 2 hour meetings). Encouraged to also be on a committee. Expect to also spend a few hours each month doing necessary activities that your committee may be involved in. Some committees will have more work than others. Expect to attend year-round, monthly board meetings.
- Schedule Commitment: Needed throughout the entire calendar year.
- Number of Volunteers needed for this category: 5-10.
Voting Board Member:
Examples of a voting board member: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Coaching Coordinator, IT/Web expert, Safety Officer, Player Agent, Fields/Equipment manager, Umpire in Chief, etc.
- Time commitment: Medium (One monthly 2 hour meetings). Required to attend board & committee meetings. Required to either chair or join a committee.
- Schedule Commitment: Needed throughout the entire calendar year.
- Number of Volunteers needed for this category: 9-12.